Anne Wotring – Dare to Think


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The Flu


I’ve got The Flu.

(I’d rather be surfing…)

The only real cure for The Flu, I am told, is Rest.

So I am Resting.

I’m stunned at how depleted I am – once I gave myself over to it. I sleep in and nap when I can and go to bed early every night.

The more rest I get, the more my body wants more.

I’m seeing this enforced break as a gift that I needed but didn’t know I needed.

I trust that soon I’ll get back my usual traction.

But, until I do, I’ve decided that resting means not writing a story to you this month.

So, I hope this will encourage you to take a break when you are tired and not feeling so great. Next month I’ll let you know how it worked out.